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profit sharing 分紅制。

profit taking

By patent system and enterprise r & d investments policies , we research the inside system of enterprise r & d with r & d spillovers , we conclude the action of enterprise when the quantity of enterprise is more than two and the enterprise ' s action is semi - cooperative ( the first stage is cooperate , the second stage is complete or cooperate ) ( 3 ) by popular commitment - agency theory , we establish the new profit sharing rules between r & d unit and r & d people 分別得出了市場中的企業個數不是兩個而是多個以及當企業的組織形式為半合作(第一階段合作,第二階段競爭或相反)情況時r & d溢出影響市場中企業的行為。采用了現在非常流行的信息博弈論中的委托? ?代理理論,構建了新的r & d人員創新利益分配機制。

This thesis illustrates in detail the origin and development of esop ; and an explanation of the dialectical relations of esop and the well - being of modern enterprises is made from the points of different theories such as “ double factors economic theory “ , “ theory on modern enterprise “ , “ theory on profit share “ and “ theory on entrepreneurs “ . the accordance between esop and development of modern enterprises is also pointed out in this thesis 本文詳細地介紹了員工持股的起源與發展,從“雙因素經濟論” 、 “現代企業理論” 、 “利潤共享理論” 、 “企業家理論”等多種不同的理論的角度對員工持股與現代企業良好發展的辨證關系做了一個說明,指出esop在員工激勵、公司治理結構改善、實現全體員工的共同致富等多方面的優勢,通過esop可以調動各利益相關團體的工作積極性,達到促進企業健康、持續發展的目的。

The motives of earnings management including debt contracts , profit sharing plan , handling supervision , anti - trust , minimized income tax , ipo , and enhancing share price not only are realized in the western capital market but also have some impact in chinese capital market 這些盈余管理的債務契約動機、分紅計劃動機、代理人競爭動機、應付行業監管動機、反托拉斯動機、最小化所得稅動機、首次發行動機以及提升股票價格等動機不僅在西方資本市場得到了證實,也在中國資本市場有所反應。

Along with the increasingly perfecting of chinese securities market administration , and the progressive strengthening of securities market supervising , expecially that many chinese enterprises started adopting the structure of profit sharing and capital accumulation by entering the securities market after china entried into the world trade organization ( wto ) , the development of china ' s securities market is up against unprecedented opportunities 隨著中國證券市場管理的日趨完善,證券監管職能的進一步加強,尤其是加入wto以后國內企業紛紛進行股份制改造并積極利用證券市場進行籌資的發展趨勢,我國證券市場的發展面臨前所未有的機遇。本文認為,對于中國證券市場管理問題進行系統分析和深入探討,不僅具有重要的理論價值,而且具有很強的現實意義。

In december 2002 , chinacast and tvh joined hands with china northeast normal university and beijing dong shi da co to finance and launch china s first integrated education resources portal teacher . com . cn for teachers and principals of primary and secondary schools in china , under a profit sharing arrangement 二零零二年十二月, chinacast及宏昌科技,與東北師范大學及北京東師大科技發展有限公司共同出資開發,針對國內中小學的老師與校長,推出中國首個綜合教育資源入門網站teacher . com . cn 。

Consistent with the research in chapters , the strengthening of cti is studied from both the self - incentive and other - incentive perspective . it is demonstrated that the team members enjoy a limited level of self - incentive motivity and the effect of this self - incentive mode is state - contingent . a plan of profit sharing model between human capital and physical capital in innovative teams is given , and the five cardinal rules necessary to the evaluation of the value of human capital is provided too 第四章在第三章的基礎上,分別從自激勵和他激勵兩個角度研究了基于內部積累的企業技術創新能力的強化,論證了團隊成員自激勵的有限性和自激勵效果的狀態依存性,提出基于團隊人力資本和物質資本的二維利益分割方案和對團隊成員人力資本價值評估的五個標準。

The author holds that the key to a thorough understanding of tves is to study the transition of the ownership structure of the enterprises and the route of the transition , in order to achieve this goal , the present paper pays great attention to the distribution system of tves in different stages : work point system , salary system , profit sharing system , contracting system and leasing system 作者認為要研究中國鄉鎮企業,最重要的是研究鄉鎮企業所有制結構的變遷及變遷的路徑。本文以鄉鎮企業不同階段的分配制度為線索來研究鄉鎮企業的所有制結構。鄉鎮企業的分配制度大致可分為工分制、工資制、利潤分成、承包制和租賃制幾個階段,以秀山鄉鎮企業為研究對象,通過平凱機械修配廠和錳礦行業的鄉鎮企業為例來說明每一分配制度產生的背景、原因、及其影響。

The paper discuss the essence of motivation problem that is the economical behavior of the capital resource owners convey part of the profit share to the intellectual resource which become the core resources instead of the capital resources in intellectual era in order to solve the entrustment - agent problem , and indicate that the result is determined by the status of intellectual resource in society production process 本文論述了激勵問題的本質是在智力資源這一特殊人力資本已經取代物質資本成為知識經濟時代核心資源的變遷過程中,物質資本所有者向智力資源出讓一部分剩余索取權以解決委托代理矛盾的經濟行為。這是由智力資源在當代社會生產過程中所處的地位決定的。

The company was awarded first place in the plan sponsor category by the profit sharing 401 council of america for its 401 fiduciary guide for employers . the american council of life insurers integrity first award was presented to manulife usa for its outstanding 401 enrollment kit for distribution to participating employees 宏利美國業務部亦獲頒美國壽險理事會真誠第一大獎the american council of life insurers integrity first award ,以嘉許其為雇員成員提供詳盡出色的401 k登記資料函件。

It should select several classical itineraries , establish secured service systems extending to conference service , reduce the total number of management personnel at lhasa headquarters , increase marketing personnel , and establish representative offices in beijing , shanghai and guangzhou . xta should try to establish a cooperative relationship with government offices , universities , labor unions , communities and by direct marketing and profit sharing 選擇幾條最經典的線路,建立確保安全性的和向會務延伸的服務體系,壓縮拉薩本部的管理人員,擴大營銷隊伍,設立北京、上海、廣州代辦處,以直郵廣告和直接營銷為主,重點對這些城市的政府、高校的辦公室、工會、學會等部門負責人進行接觸,采取分利的手段,爭取建立合作關系。

The term “ income from wages and salaries “ shall mean wages , salaries , bonuses , year - end extras , profit shares , subsidies , allowances and other income related to the tenure of an office or employment that is derived by individuals by virtue of the tenure of an office or employment (一)工資、薪金所得,是指個人因任職或者受扈而取得的工資,薪金、獎金、年終加賀、勞動分紅、津貼以及與任職或者受扈有關的其他所得。

In the second creation of private enterprise , they chose system management model outer character of stock company , committee making policy , contribution of profit sharing and occupational manager appointment as the major characters 為了進一步發展的需要,民營企業在第二次創業的過程中,選擇了制度管理模式,股份公司的外在形式、集體決策的機制、利益共享的分配方式以及職業經理人的引進成為主要特征。

Following the sports competition , a national youth singing competition , a dance competition and the like will be organized . special tv programmes will be planned and invested by both parties , who will also enjoy profit sharings from the programmes . 除體育項目大賽外,還會有全國性年青人歌唱舞蹈等動態大賽,這項特定電視節目將由雙方共同策劃投資及分成利潤。

The project is jointly financed by china northeast normal university , beijing dong shi da co . ltd . , tvh and chinacast with a profit sharing arrangement among the partners 繼續教育網項目由東北師范大學、北京東師大科技發展有限公司、宏昌科技及雙威通訊共同出資開發,各合作單位已取得協議,將分享此項目之利潤。

The project is jointly financed by china northeast normal university , beijing dong shi da co . ltd . , tvh and chinacast with a profit sharing arrangement among the partners 繼續教育網項目由東北師范大學北京東師大科技發展有限公司宏昌科技及雙威通訊共同出資開發,各合作單位已取得協議,將分享此項目之利潤。

The merger enables the land fund to achieve a more optimal and stable investment return under profit sharing arrangements similar to those for the fiscal reserves placed with the exchange fund 合并使土地基金可享有與存放在外匯基金的財政儲備相近的利潤分配安排,因而取得較為理想及穩定的投資回報。

In line with the casino s opening hours , bonjour will operate the company s first 24 - hour outlet exclusively at the casino under a profit sharing scheme with greek mythology 卓悅將配合娛樂場的營業時間,以盈利分享方式獨家開設集團首個二十四小時營業的零售店。

9 my suggestion for the investment share in this partnership is in the vicinity of 50 to 50 , and the same applies to business management and profits share 9我們之間的投資份額可以對半開,在經營管理和利潤分配上也可對半開。

Perks include country club memberships , company car , housing allowance , profit sharing and stock options , and better travel allowances 額外津貼包括鄉間俱樂部會員費,公司用車費,住房補貼,利潤分紅,股票期權和更高的旅行津貼。